Dr. Alexander Juschus LL.M.Managing Partner of Goverance & Values
Dr. Alexander Juschus LL.M. (Born 1970) is the former general manager of IVOX GlassLewis GmbH. After studying law at the Universities of Mannheim, Heidelberg and Newcastle, Alexander wrote a Ph.D. thesis on Corporate Governance and Shareholder Engagement at the University of Durham/UK. Post academic positions include chief representative of Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) in the Germanic markets, general manager of investors voice, and IVOX.
Alexander previously co-chaired ICGN’s shareholder rights committee for six years and holds lectures in corporate governance at the Hamburg School of Business Administration and Mainz University. Additionally, he consults the German Association of Institutional Investors in matters on corporate governance and proxy voting. Furthermore, a number of essays and studies have been published by him.

Ralf FrankFreelance Partner
After more than 17 years as Managing Director of the German Association for Financial Analysis and Asset Management (DVFA), Ralf Frank is very familiar with the current requirements and the currently discussed developments regarding ESG and Corporate Governance in the financial industry. Since the beginning of 2020, he has been working as an independent consultant, contributing his expertise in sustainable finance, investment analysis, financial data science, professional training and development, and regulatory developments in the financial industry.